Terms of Service

Welcome to Jemari Bali!

We appreciate your visit to jemaribali.com. This website is owned and operated by Hey Timur Indonesia Private Limited Company Registration no: 2807240035212. By accessing and/or utilizing this website and its related services, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, which include our Privacy Policy. It is important that you carefully review both our Privacy Policy and these Terms, and discontinue using our website if you do not agree to them. In these Terms, ‘us,’ ‘we,’ and ‘our’ refer to Jemari Bali.

1. Scope of Jemari  Bali Services

  • Jemaribali.com is an online platform that connects users of the site (Travelers) with certain third-party service providers (Local Operators) who offer various services (Services) related to specific adventures on jemaribali.com (Adventures). These Services may include single or multi-day travel experiences, as well as a range of other travel and non-travel-related offerings.
  • As the operator of jemaribali.com, Jemari is not responsible for the actual execution of the Adventures. The Local Operators are solely accountable for delivering the Services they offer.
  • While we may assist in facilitating the resolution of disputes, Jemari Bali has no control over, and does not guarantee, (i) the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any Services, (ii) the accuracy of any adventure descriptions, Ratings, Reviews, or other information provided by Local Operators or Travelers, or (iii) the conduct or performance of any Local Operator, Traveler, or third party. Jemari Bali does not endorse any Local Operator, Traveler, or Service. Any mention of a Local Operator as “our pick” (or similar wording) merely indicates that the Local Operator has communicated to us that they offer favorable terms compared to others. This description is not an endorsement, certification, or guarantee by Jemari Bali regarding the Local Operator, including their background or reliability. It is always advisable to exercise due diligence and care when deciding to participate in an Activity or use any Services.
  • To promote jemaribali.com and increase the visibility of adventures to potential Travelers, Adventures may be featured on other websites, in applications, via email, and in both online and offline advertisements. To accommodate Travelers who speak different languages, adventures may be translated, either fully or partially, into various languages. Jemari Bali cannot guarantee the accuracy or quality of these translations, and Travelers are responsible for reviewing and confirming the accuracy of the translated content.
  • Jemaribali.com may include links to third-party websites or resources (Third-Party Services). These Third-Party Services may be governed by different terms and conditions and privacy policies. Jemari Bali is not responsible or liable for the availability, accuracy, or content of these Third-Party Services, or for any products or services offered through them. Links to such Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Jemari Bali.
  • Due to the nature of the internet, Jemari Bali cannot ensure the continuous or uninterrupted availability and accessibility of jemaribali.com. Jemari Bali may restrict access to certain areas or features of jemaribali.com, as necessary, to address capacity limits, maintain the security or integrity of our servers, or to perform maintenance to improve the functionality of jemaribali.com. Jemari Bali may periodically update, enhance, and modify Jemaribali.com, and introduce new Jemari Bali Services.

2. Account Registration

  • To access specific features of our website, you may be required to register as a member.
  • During the registration process, you’ll need to provide personal information, such as your name and email address. It’s important that this information is accurate and up-to-date. We will manage all personal information you provide in line with our Privacy Policy, which you can review here.
  • Once your account is registered and activated, your login credentials will consist of your registered email and a password of your choice. You are responsible for safeguarding these credentials and for all activities and usage conducted under your account.

3. Notice on Information Collection

  • We may gather personal information from you in order to address your inquiries, process your registration, fulfill your order, and for other purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy, which you can view at jemaribali.com/privacy.
  • This information may be shared with third parties that assist us in providing our services, such as IT suppliers, communication providers, and business partners, or as required by law. Without this information, we may not be able to offer you the full range of our services.
  • Our Privacy Policy details: (i) how we store and use your personal information, as well as how you can access and correct it; (ii) the steps you can take to file a complaint about our handling of your personal information; and (iii) how we will address any such complaints. If you need more information about our privacy practices, please contact us at jemaribali.com/contact.
  • By providing us with your personal information, you agree to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of that information as outlined in our Privacy Policy and these Terms.

4. Information Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness

  • The information provided on our website is not exhaustive and is meant to offer a summary of the topics discussed. While we make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content on our website, we do not guarantee the information, as permitted by law. You are encouraged to stay informed of any updates or changes to the information provided here.
  • We are not responsible for any interference or damage to your computer systems that may result from using our website or any linked website. It is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions to ensure that anything you download or select from our site is free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or anything else that could potentially harm your computer systems.
  • We may update or add to the content on this website (including the Terms), as well as the information, products, or services described, at any time without prior notice. However, we do not commit to regularly updating the website. We are not liable to you or anyone else if there are errors in the information provided on the site or if the content is not current.

5. Promotions and Competitions

For specific campaigns, promotions, or contests, there may be additional terms and conditions that apply. If you choose to participate in any of these activities, you’ll need to agree to the specific terms and conditions related to that campaign, promotion, or contest. If there is any conflict between those terms and these Terms, the specific terms for the campaign, promotion, or contest will take precedence.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

  • Unless stated otherwise, we either own or have licensed from third parties all rights, title, and interests (including copyrights, designs, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights) related to this website and all materials available on it, including text, graphics, logos, audio, and software (content).
  • Your use of this website and access to its content does not grant you any ownership or rights to the website or the content. However, we do provide you with a license to access and view the content under the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, and where applicable, as specifically authorized by us and/or our third-party licensors.
  • Reproducing or redistributing this website or its content is strictly prohibited and could result in civil and criminal penalties. Additionally, you are not allowed to copy the content to any other server, location, or medium for publication, reproduction, or distribution.
  • All other uses, copying, or reproductions of this website, its content, or any part thereof are prohibited, except as permitted by law. However, you are allowed to make copies of your order details provided to you on the site.

7. Booking Terms

  • Travelers can book an adventure listed on jemaribali.com by following the designated booking process, provided they meet any requirements set by the Local Operator. Before finalizing your booking, all applicable fees and taxes (collectively referred to as Total Fees) will be presented to you. By proceeding with the booking, you agree to pay the Total Fees associated with your reservation.
  • Once you receive a booking confirmation from Jemari Bali, a legally binding agreement is established between you and the Local Operator, subject to any additional terms and conditions imposed by the Local Operator, including the applicable cancellation policy and any rules or restrictions specified in the listing. Jemari Bali will collect the Total Fees either at the time of your booking request or upon confirmation from the Local Operator, according to the payment terms provided.
  • If you are booking an adventure on behalf of other travelers, it is your responsibility to ensure that each additional traveler meets any requirements set by the Local Operator, is informed about, and agrees to, these Terms and any specific terms, conditions, rules, or restrictions imposed by the Local Operator.
  • It is essential that you thoroughly review the details of any adventure you plan to book to ensure that you (and any additional guests you are booking for) meet all specified requirements, such as minimum age, skill level, fitness, or other criteria. You must inform the Local Operator of any medical or physical conditions, or other factors, that could affect your or any additional traveler’s ability to safely participate in the adventure. You are responsible for understanding and complying with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations related to your participation in the adventure.
  • During the adventure, travelers must always follow the instructions provided by the Local Operator, as long as those instructions are reasonable.
  • No additional individuals may join the adventure unless they were included as an additional traveler during the booking process on jemaribali.com.

8. Booking Changes, Cancellations, and Refunds

  • Both Local Operators and Travelers are responsible for any changes made to a booking through jemaribali.com or by contacting jemari Bali customer service (Booking Modifications). Any additional fees and/or taxes resulting from these modifications must be paid accordingly.
  • Travelers have the option to cancel a confirmed booking at any time, following the cancellation policy set by the applicable Local Operator. Jemari Bali will process any refunds to the Traveler based on the Local Operator’s cancellation policy.
  • If a Local Operator decides to cancel a confirmed booking, the Traveler will receive a full refund of the booking fees.
  • In the event of unfavorable weather conditions or other extraordinary circumstances that create an unsafe or uncomfortable situation for Travelers, Local Operators may alter or cancel a confirmed booking in line with their cancellation policy.
  • Please note that all purchases of Jemari Bali Gift Cards and Gift Experiences are non-refundable. However, if the recipient of a Jemari Bali Gift Experience wishes to convert it into a Gift Card, jemari Bali may, at its sole discretion, allow such a conversion.

9. Prohibited Conduct

You must refrain from engaging in any actions that we consider inappropriate, illegal, or in violation of any laws relevant to our website. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Engaging in activities that infringe on the privacy or legal rights of others, such as uploading private or personal information without the individual’s consent;
  • Using this website to defame or libel us, our employees, or any other individuals;
  • Uploading files that contain viruses or other harmful software that could damage our property or the property of others;
  • Posting or transmitting any unauthorized content, including but not limited to, material that we believe is likely to cause offense, or is defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic, or otherwise harmful, or that compromises the security of our systems or the systems of third parties.

If we permit you to post any content on our website, we reserve the right to remove this content at our discretion, without prior notice.

10. Warranties and Disclaimers

To the fullest extent allowed by law, we do not provide any guarantees or assurances regarding this website or its content. This includes, but is not limited to, assurances that the information provided will be complete, accurate, or current, that your access will be uninterrupted or free from errors or viruses, or that the website will be secure.

We reserve the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your access to this website, its content, or any of its features at any time without prior notice. We will not be held liable for any loss, cost, damage, or liability that may result from such actions.

11. Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss, damage, or expense—regardless of how it arises—that you may experience as a result of using our website, the information or materials it contains, or due to the website being inaccessible. Additionally, we are not liable for any consequences stemming from information or materials on the site being incorrect, incomplete, or outdated.

12. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

Your use of this website and these Terms are governed by the laws of Indonesia, and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Indonesia (Bali).